In the following pages you can find explanations and examples for each of the French tenses… it’s the equivalent of the English future tense (will + main verb). Il va pleuvoir demain. Le futur simple is used to talk about actions or events that will take place sometime in the future. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FRENCH TO BLAST OFF. Are you going to call/Will you call your girfriend? - I will speak with my professor. In French, there is a different way of saying I am going to do something, If you wish to say you are going to do something, you just use the conjugated form of the French verb aller (to go) with the infinitive of the intended verb, Aller + infinitive = going to + infinitive, This is a very easy way of constructing the French Future Tense and it works with every infinitive, Je vais– I am going to Tu vas– You are going to Il/elle va– He/she is going to Nous allons– We are going to Vous allez– You are going to Ils/elles vont– They are going to, To look at more grammar lessons like French Future Tense, click here, More French Grammar Lessons Accelerated French Vocab Learning | French Colors | Compound Tense French | Demonstrative Pronouns | French Comparative Superlative Adjectives | French Conditional Tense | French Future Tense | French Gestures | French Grammar Lessons | French Comparative Superlative Adverbs |French Greetings | French Imperfect Indicative | French Imperfect Subjunctive | French Indicative Present | French Infinitives | French Interrogatives | French Passe Simple | French Possessive Pronouns | French Present Participle | French Present Subjunctive | French Proverbs | French Reflexive Pronouns | French Grammar Terms | Indefinite Article | Introduce Yourself | Possessive Pronouns In French | To Love In French | French Verbs Learn French Help Copyright 2005-. Example: Nous vendrons le journal. English does not have a future tense … We simply add one of the following suffixes to the main verb: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, and -ont. The simple future tense (le futur simple) is the basic form of the future, and the English equivalent of “ will + verb.” Here’s an example of how the simple future tense is used: Ils mangeront dans l’avion. Forming the near future tense. Simple Future Tense Examples (20 Sentences) I am going to study French. To find one, click here. Examples: He will come here tomorrow. What do you think? I’m working this weekend. In the French language, there are 2 future tenses: the “futur proche” and the “futur simple”. Example Vous rougirez si je vous raconte la blague. This PowerPoint show for the French future tense (le futur simple) is perfect for showing when teaching the conjugations and uses. French language learning is a winding path of complex conjugations, tenses, and moods. The difference is that in a French compound sentence, if the main clause is in the simple future tense, the dependent clause will also need to be in the simple future tense, whereas in English, the dependent clause will be in the present tense… Example: Je parlerai avec mon professeur. The modern French pronunciation of the future tense is also very important: all your endings will start with an R sound. She will take her exam at the end of this year. This presentation is written entirely in French, but there are a few English references. S’il ne pleut pas demain, on ira au parc. If you don’t, then it’s understood you’re talking about the present and not the future. Let’s answer these questions as in much detail as possible. Are Countries Masculine or Feminine in French. By contrast, le futur proche is used to talk about actions or events that will happen or are anticipated in the very near future. Future tense in English is super simple. Note that we need to specify a time when doing this. She will buy a laptop at the end of this month. This tense is In Spanish it’s more complex and I tend to link wht I already know from Spanish to what I am currently learning of French. This watch will not cost much. And conjugating verbs for future tense isn’t that simple. I will clean the house tomorrow. My details are: Your privacy is important to us. The order of the words in future questions is the same as questions in other tenses. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. I am learning Japanese using apps and online courses. Also, keep in mind le futur proche is more commonly used, so I recommend you stick to it when possible. That doesn’t always work. I will have my own house one day. le futur simple The future tense, is used to express actions that will occur in the future. You will not be able to finish the pizza by yourself. We are go… Yes, Spanish and French share several similarities since both of them derive from Latin. Yes, online education has grown exponentially over the last few months. The futur proche (near future) tense describes what is going to happen with certainty.. There are examples below for each of the three types of regular verbs: je parlerai - I will speak tu parleras - you (informal) will speak il/elle parlera - he/she will speak nous parlerons - we will speak vous parlerez - you (formal) will speak ils/elles parleront - they will speak. The verb you have to use is in parentheses. … The choice depends mostly … Contrary to its name, the simple past tense … Using the Simple Future Tense … Tenses … Forming the future simple in French. The French Future Tense, as in English, is used to imply that which has not yet happened but will happen. = Tu téléphoneras à ta copine? Great idea learning French on a website post. I am glad I can speak Spanish and it has made the process of learning french much easier. Je travaille ce week-end. We will shift to a new home the … THE ” FUTUR PROCHE “ It is supposed to be used for something close in time: tomorrow, next week etc. After your French skills have advanced significantly, you will stumble upon the simple past tense: the passé simple. She will ride the bus to school. (prediction), Si vous n’étudiez pas, vous échouerez à votre examen. Future tense in English is super simple. Ce soir, on va aller au cinema = Ce soir, on ira au cinema. 2 Forming the future tense. The 'simple' future (le futur) is so-named because it is a one-word tense. The ones you will use the most are present, imperfect, future, conditional, subjunctive, and imperative for the simple tenses; and the present perfect, pluperfect, future perfect, and past conditional for the compound tenses. The future tense: Futur simple. For example - when comparing meanings of the futur proche and the futur simple, (apprendre), Dans deux ans j’/je ____________ une voiture. We’re dancing tonight! The above examples of Simple Future Tense are here to help you understand and use this tense properly and naturally. With expressions like un jour, dans 5 ans, etc. French Comparative Superlative Adjectives. Fortunately, the French future tenses are not as complicated as their cousins. By Veronique Mazet . The action in the subordinate clause implies future tense … For negative sentences, we have to use ne + pas (or some other negative word depending on the idea being expressed). (future intention), Tu ne pourras pas terminer la pizza toi-même. Don’t worry. Yes, send me my free Learn French newsletters. To form the futur proche, use the present tense. The covid lockdown gives us a perfect chance to learn a new language, you can focus on learning a lot due to social distancing. This tense is heard a lot in conversation. In grammar, a future tense (abbreviated FUT) is a verb form that generally marks the event described by the verb as not having happened yet, but expected to happen in the future. On va regarder un film ce soir. (They … We do not sell our mailing lists. He will eat dinner at 12 o’clock. If you would like to learn more about which apps to use to learn French, you can click here. You could use either structure in many cases as we mentioned above, but if you want to sound more French, stick to le futur proche as much as possible. As in English, the future tense is used to talk about future events. Le futur procheis very beginner friendly and mimics English when you say something along the lines of “I am going to ______.” The near future denotes events that are certain to occur and are happening relatively soon. This evening we’re going to go to the movies. “To walk” is the infinitive of “walk” “To do” is the infinitive of “do”. Ce soir, on danse! The French near future—futur proche—is a verb construction that is used to express something that is going to happen soon, an upcoming event that will occur in the near future.Note that in French, this verb tense is called futur proche; to avoid misspelling this term, notice that the French spelling of futur does not have an e on the end, unlike "future… The conjugation is constructed with the … In French, as in English, the future tense and the aller + infinitive future can’t always be used interchangeably, although, in many situations, both versions would be correct. Thus, to conjugate penser (to think), we have je penserai, tu penseras, il/elle pensera, nous penserons, vous penserez, and ils/elles penseront. Which structure do you prefer? In other words, its formation is simple because there is no auxiliary. rougir - to blush je rougirai - I will blush tu rougiras - You (informal) will blush il/elle rougira - He/she will blush nous rougirons - You (formal) will blush vous rougirez - We will blush ils/elles rougiront - They will blush. Fortunately, the different verb endings all follow the same rules and patterns: the infinitive (without its final “e” for the 3 rd class of verb) and the same ending. In the French examples above, the subordinate clauses starting with dès que, aussitôt que, lorsque, and quand are in the simple future because the main clauses are in the future. This structure is formed by using the corresponding conjugation of aller + an infinitive verb. Can they be used interchangeably? Are there any exceptions to them? Of course, the “le futur proche” which is more commonly used is preferable. Good information to access new knowledge on line. All of these questions mean Will you go/Are you going to go to the party? (habiter), Si elle va en Espagne, elle ______________ l’espagnol. Je vais finir mes devoirs ce soir. These verb forms are just that - simple. Paradoxically, the futur proche is simpler (easier to build) than the futur simple, that’s why we use it more.. What are you going to order? Here are a few exercises so you can practice. If you wish to speak about an event that will happen in the future then you will need to use the simple future tense. We’ll start with the futur proche because it only requires you to correctly conjugate the verb aller (to go) in the present tense. Le futur procheinvolves using the correct conjugation of aller + an infinitive (unconjugated verb). Context is everything! Example: Je n‘irai pas à la fête/Je ne vais pas aller à la fête (I won’t go to the party/I’m not going to go to the party). It’s the same as the English going to + verb. I think it’s also important to hire a teacher/tutor for some guidance. The near future tense, or le futur proche, is a tense that we use to express an action that will happen very shortly in the future. I will meet him in his office tomorrow. When you need to move beyond the present, you need new tenses! Learning how to conjugate a verb is tricky in any language. In French, the future with aller is known as the futur proche , (close future). The infinitive form of every verb is what translates as to ___. There are 10 indicative verb tenses in French grammar, but some of these are restricted to written language. It’s going to rain tomorrow. The future perfect tense: Futur Anteriéur . To form le futur proche, we don’t use any auxiliaries. e.g. –ER, –IR, and –RE are the infinitive form endings of French verbs. This is a great way of adding knowledge of the English language which will enable you to talk in much more detail about things such as your future … In some cases, you can use the simple present tense to talk about the future, just like you would do in English. Example: Si vous aviez travaillé plus dur, vous auriez réussi l'examen.- If you had worked harder, you would have passed the exam. She will ride the bus to school. The ‘near’ future tense: Futur proche. The doctor will examine the patient tomorrow. One of the ways to express the future tense in French is to use the simple future tense, called le futur simple. You should also get familiar with its usage and rules – visit the Simple Future Tense page to help you with that. For regular verbs it is formed by adding the following endings to the infinitive: -ai, … Look at the following examples: Cet hiver, je vais aller au Mexique = Cet hiver, j’irai au Mexique. In many cases, they’re interchangeable, but in others, you have to prefer one over the other depending on the context. Recommended to you based on your activity and what's popular • Feedback Do they express the same idea? je vendrai - I will sell tu vendras - you (informal) will sell il/elle vendra - he/she will sell nous vendrons - we will sell vous vendrez - you (formal) will sell ils/elles vendront - they will sell. We use two structures: le futur simple (simple future) and le futur proche (the near future, also known as idiomatic future). For example, we only use le futur simple in the following cases: Quand je serai grand, je serai astronaute. Regular verbs are easily conjugated into … Well, in many cases, the answer is yes. The conditional tense, along with the futur simple, is one of the most uncomplicated French tenses to get the hang of (besides the imperative). On ____________ un film ce soir. Talking about the future is much simpler. He will eat dinner at 12 o’clock. As for English, when you see the word “simple” in the title, you can take a deep sigh of relief. Do you remember the conjugations of aller? Simple Verb Tenses. An example of a future tense form is the French aimera, meaning "will love", derived from the verb aimer ("love"). The gramatical aspects of French remind me a lot of Spanish. Je nettoierai la maison demain. If you don’t study, you will fail your exam. Let’s review them quickly. If something will happen or is expected to happen soon, then you should use le futur proche instead. For more exercises, you can visit the following sites:, (regarder), Un jour j’/je _____________ en France. Examples: Est-ce que tu vas aller à la fête?/Est-ce que tu iras à la fête?/Vas-tu aller à la fête?/Iras-tu à la fête? 2 – Modern Pronunciation of the French Future Tense. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Simple future is often used with words expressing the future such as: 1. demain(tomorrow) 2. plus tard(later) 3. dans un moment(in a moment) 4. la semaine prochaine(next week) 5. le mois prochain(next month) 6. l'année prochaine(next year) Example: L'année prochaine, j'étudierai aux Etats-Unis. The simple future is a very common and useful verb tense. You may now be wondering if both structures can be used interchangeably, right? French has about 18 tenses/moods to choose from. Let me know in the comments section below. When I grow up, I’ll be an astronaut. I am glad I can speak Spanish and it has made the process of learning french much easier. The gramatical aspects of French remind me a lot of Spanish. Today, we will talk about expressing the future. The future tense of most verbs is formed by: Adding -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont; To the infinitive; The immediate future can be formed by: Using the verb aller + infinitive; This form of the future is basically used in the same way as the “to be going to” future in English. This winter I’m going to go/will go to Mexico. The same rules we saw in a previous post apply here. (cause-effect). Let’s describe each one of them and see a few examples. For exercises visit the Simple Future … But in French you don’t just add a verb for future tense, you also conjugate. The endings for the simple future are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. The key is immediacy. If there is an E before the R, the E will be silent in modern glided French… However, in some cases, we can only use one structure. Conditional. The French Future Tense, as in English, is used to imply that which has not yet happened but will happen. They deal with the present, past, and future … The conditional mood is used in sentences to express conditions. (acheter). Qu’est-ce que tu vas commander? - You will blush if I tell the joke. There you have it. The gardener is going to plant the … To form the future tense in French, you use: the infinitive of -er and -ir verbs, for example, donner, finir; the infinitive without the final e of -re verbs: for example, … It equates to will in English; I will eat. Note: drop the last –e off the infinitive before adding endings. As many French language learners know, the passé simple ain’t as simple as it sounds. Au revoir, les amis! but if you listen to French … Just one recommendation: Don’t rely too much on translation, even though both languages are similar. I’m going to finish my homework tonight. As you might have guessed, the simple future tense is used to talk about an action or event which will take place after the moment when we are actually speaking. C’est parti! It is the third most common verb form in English, after the simple present and simple past.Just under 10% of verbs in spoken English are in the simple future. Regular verbs are easily conjugated into the Future Tense by adding the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb. To talk about future actions, we normally use either le futur simple or le futur proche. Keep in mind that in everyday life, most people use le futur proche. In Spanish it’s more complex and I tend to link wht I already know from Spanish to what I am currently learning of French… - We will sell the newspaper. Tu vas téléphoner à ta copine? Un jour, j’aurai ma propre maison. (Next year, I will studyin the United States.) The future in French can be expressed in three different ways – le futur proche (aller + infinitive form of the verb), le futur simple or even at times with le présent. In our most recent post, we talked about the differences between past tenses, namely, le passé composé vs l’imparfait. 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