$npcs.append($npc); ... look up high and down low as they spawn … $groupEntries.append($entry); } if (!Array.prototype.find) { }); Des arcs-en-ciel traversent la carte. 'cr-region-map-very-uncommon', // filter the groups with the creature Étoiles filantes la nuit. During my entire time playing Ark(mobile) I only seen 3 Tapejaras , I tried taming all of them. var spawnRarity = Math.min(5, Math.round(1.5 * (Math.log(1 + 2 * spawnAmount)))); var names = []; spawnProbabilities[group.n] = spawnProbability; Many of those I saw but did not note the coordinates were under the … if (this.checked) { 0.5 : 0; ... During my entire time playing Ark(mobile) I only seen 3 Tapejaras , I tried taming all of them. .prop('title', 'lat ' + point.y + ', lon ' + point.x + (spawn.u ? if (urlHash) { Join. If you drop it you have to constantly worry about Raptors, Carnos and Alpha Carnos, Deinonycus in some cases, or just random Dilos. return kValue; throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); function showGroups(name) { 1.5k. Normally found living around cliffs, tall redwood forests, and other largely vertical environments, its maneuverability in the air and sharp, climbing-suitable claws allow it to seek out its diet of fruit, nuts, and small animals, which it pries from the various small cavities often found in rock and tree bark. var $legendContainer = $('.legend-container.' 5. A complete list of all coordinates for locations in the Ark: Survival Evolved game. if (groups.length) { }); // clear the map Many of those I saw but did not note the coordinates were under the trees along edge areas like canyons and water. } The spawn command for Tapejara in Ark is below. if ($this.prop('checked')) { Players that are on the hunt for a Tropeognathus in Ark: Survival Evolved can find locations and spawn … entry.s.forEach(function (spawn) { var $mapGroup = $('#group-' + $this.val()); return; Tweet with a location. Tapejara… 0.5 : 0; groups.forEach(function (group) { var k = 0; .append($('').val(group.n) Click the copy button to copy the setplayerpos teleport command to your clipboard. var widthAdjust = (location.x2 - location.x1) / mapWidth < 0.01 ? 4. var $mapImg = $mapContainer.children().last(); var spawnProbabilities = {}; }; if (!hasName) { return npc.n == name || npc.n == name2; var mapWidth = offsetRight - offsetLeft; var $npcs = $('