//redo- Redo's the exact command you just entered. //pyramid 6. Change to superpickaxe mode that affects area of blocks. Type Name Size Uploaded Chunk tools Use /hsphere to make a hollow sphere. Use /cyl to make a filled cylinder. Extend and level nearby lava and change flowing lava to block state of lava. Create a hollow sphere. WorldEdit commands. It is a powerful admintool. To use this plugin correctly you need to be opped, click here to learn how to be an operator. //redo Will redo the last command you //undo'd with worldedit. /forestgen [size] [type] [density] Make a forest. /fill ~-3 ~ ~-4 ~3 ~4 ~4 stone 0 hollow‌ [Bedrock Edition only] Creates a house-sized box around the command execution's location, replacing any blocks that would have been inside the box with air. This is the list of all WorldEdit plugin commands. It can also be contracted from the opposite side with  at the same time. It also stores the player’s position where it is cut. Use the command //hsphere, with the material, (glass) and the dimensions of the sphere you want. Making a selection. For example, a dirt block is known as "dirt" and "3", a block of wool can be called either "wool" or "35", and so on. ₪ Place a Witch named "CreateHollowSphere" to create a hollow sphere (radius of 8) of diamond blocks ₪ Place a Witch named "CreateCylinder" to create a hollow cylinder (radius of 8) of diorite. Chunk tools From the worldedit wiki:. It also stores the player’s position where it is copied. Change to superpickaxe mode that affects area of blocks recursively. //cyl [block] [radius] [height]: Generates a cylinder of your defined block with your defined radius and defined height. Shape generation is quite straight forward and much easier to use that the brushes and clipboard. Created a hollow sphere. So im trying to find a way to spawn a hollow dome in my world but i dont know how to im still pretty new at this so if someone could copy and paste the command block code and a code for the sphere that would be amazing im on version 1.11 please and thank you #3 Jan 27, 2017. - Create a sphere. The commands are: 1. Drain lava and water bodies that touches the player’s feet based on radius. The item minecraft:wooden_axe is currently set as default. Use /hsphere to make a hollow sphere. Getting around //ascend - Go up one level. They were working just fine a few days ago. Here you will find worldedit commands. Use /pyramid to make a filled pyramid. It can be optimized with the command “//sel