23, 2016. While some of the previous questions might take a degree in physics or a few hours to work out, they do have answers. The reality is that the Big Bang is a major speculation, and beyond it, we are pretty clueless. Ever since the evolution of the sensory neuron, organisms have been using these amazing peepholes into existence to direct the course of their lives. But now, scientists are also debating the presence of a hot plasma that isn’t necessarily caused by nanoflares, which would explain the higher temperature of the outer layer. Mind-Blowing Questions that Cannot Be Answered. We only have about a third of the lithium that we should have. NASA. Frequently Asked Questions About the Big Bang and Early Universe. Although it all sounds like a bunch of science-fiction for now, astronomers are actually searching for physical evidence. One hypothesis is that they use landmarks such as mountains and rivers to help them find their way. This is why religious people look to history as well as science to understand the claims of religion. )—create the huge volumes of information in the DNA of living things? Well, even if we don't have the answers right now, we're asking the questions, and there are plenty of fascinating, convincing and downright bizarre theories being put forward every day. As the universe is constantly changing, expanding, and evolving; science and our knowledge of space will also continue to change. 25. Is ageing inevitable? Raconteur. The observable Universe is 92 billion light-years in diameter, filled with billions of galaxies with stars and planets, yet the only evidence of any life anywhere is right here on Earth. As bizarre as it sounds, some scientists have argued that traveling back in time is theoretically possible. However, there is a great mystery as to what happened to all of the lithium? Therefore, any scope we’d send inside of it would never escape it. Want to up the stakes? <p>From why we travel forwards in time to how bicycles travel forwards at all, we present the questions great and small that our finest minds can&#8217;t explain</p> ... As far as we know the laws of physics extend throughout the universe… This document will attempt to address common questions about the origins of the Universe to the extent that modern cosmology can answer them. It is amazing to consider how many accomplishments humankind has come to achieve with the modernization of technology and science through the years. Newton once provided us with a clean, simple understanding of gravity but that was all turned upside down with Einstein. How was DNA created? If their speculations are true, then the laws of physics may differ drastically within these other universes. This is All he found was a "how". Science can’t show that two people love each other. Why do cats purr? So here’s a fun fact: Science is not omniscient. According to Einstein’s theories, our universe formed from a tiny point called a singularity. ThePremium offers ad free access to all TheClever content and so much more. Mysteries of the universe — solved. It rest approximately 70 million light years away and was discovered by a ground-based Japanese telescope, the Subaru. 5 Unanswered Questions that Will Keep Physicists Awake at Night. The Big Bang is the most popularly accepted explanation by scientists for how the universe was formed. To answer the "why", you have to show that the universe serves a purpose that was pre-planned. The answers to the universe’s big questions are rarely simple, but attempting to wrap our collective noggins around them can be a life-affirming experience. What defines art? Science is a messy human endeavor, notoriously hard to boil down to cut-and-dried procedures. An overwhelming interest in aliens and extraterrestrial existence is nothing new. Close this popup and browse for 2 minutes. The real question we cant give a definite answer to is "why does the universe exist?" Even the basic question of What is the Universe? Because of the way it appears from earth, scientists can’t even be certain whether or not it really has a spiral disc-like structure. However, although most scientists accept this theory, no one can form a logical and agreeable explanation as to what came before the singularity, or what the properties the point of singularity even consisted of. Deep questions to ask 3. Tweet. (If you’re wondering why head-scratchers like dark matter and dark energy aren’t on the list, it’s because they were in our earlier story on the Five Biggest Questions about the Universe.) Science is simply a tool that we utilize to uncover facts about the observable universe. 24 Big Questions Science Still Needs To Answer. Let no one tell you that all is well. Whether you're struggling with how big the universe might be or how life originated on Earth, our existence is brimming with bizarre twists of nature that we can't explain and may never understand. Scientists have speculated that this galaxy was perhaps formed as the result of two triangular galaxies colliding, but no one can really explain for sure where the LEDA got its unique, rule-bending shape. Many scientists presume that we’re not alone in the universe and that there could very well still be life outside of Earth among some of the other billions of planets. Or even a good answer for that matter. No, 42 is not the answer. is given a bleak Wikipedia answer that might leave you a bit disappointed. Answered! How could mutations—accidental copying mistakes (DNA ‘letters’ exchanged, deleted or added, genes duplicated, chromosome inversions, etc. An overwhelming interest in aliens and extraterrestrial existence is nothing new. We can use science it to tell us what a distant star is made of, what the weather will be like tomorrow, what the gender of your baby will be, and even the age of the universe itself (we think). Do not be persuaded by the propaganda line that no “true scientist” questions the “fact” of evolution, because many are critical of numerous aspects of the “monkey-to-man” dogma. by Inspiration Ministries. Although we have no clue as to what dark matter really is, we are certain about what it is not. This is perhaps the scariest question to think about, should you ponder on it enough. Another popular approach is through the use of cosmic strings which are tubes that loop around the entire universe. Where is the universe? In the grand scheme of things, we are barely a blip on a blip on the timeline of existence. How could such errors create 3 billion letters of DNA information to change a microbe into a microbiologist? And as our telescope technology is rapidly improving, this number will most likely double to about 200 billion galaxies. 16. Life’s 25 Toughest Questions. Please support TheClever so we can continue providing you with great content! I want you, and anyone you can find to attempt to answer these questions. The most popular argument held by scientists today is that the earth is 13.772 billion years old, and even this number is an uncertain estimation that is likely off by plus or minus 59 million years. However, there is no mathematical or real scientific explanation for even some of the most fundamental questions one might have in life. We know why animals need to migrate. In the very beginning of the universe, there was an abundance of hydrogen, helium, and lithium. It cannot answer all our questions… And stop by LinkSTORM where we reveal why clowns are so damn scary. All of these theories are scary to think about, and none are certain. 20 biggest science questions answered From the nature of the universe to the purpose of dreams, there are lots of things we still don’t know Published: September 03, 2013 13:53 Guardian The main limitation that we have with determining the age of the universe is that we also don’t have a firm grasp on the values of the cosmological parameters. However, if sleep is so important to humans, then how is it that no human has ever died from not sleeping? Some may decide to rely on faith to find the answer to a question if the answer cannot be proved scientifically. In fact, its outer atmosphere is three hundred times hotter than its surface (which is already 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit). Regardless of the fact that scientists and philosophers have developed several theories that have attempted to answer this great mystery in an extremely sophisticated fashion, the question is still highly debatable and one that will probably never be solved. For more questions that do have answers, check out 5 Mind-Blowing Scientific Answers to Life's 'Big Questions' and 7 Hotly Debated Movie Questions That Totally Have Answers. There are some questions which hurt your brain to try and answer. These questions are often more of a philosophical nature. 54. The fact of the matter is that science is more complicated than you think and much of what you do know about the universe is all just, well… speculation. 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Harry Potter Books, 10 Terrifying Prehistoric Creatures We Should See In A Movie, 10 Weirdest Lovecraft Stories Every Horror Fan Should Read, WhatCulture Christmas Gift Guide 2020: 20 Essential Gifts, 10 Most Disturbing Ghost Stories From The Haunted Queen Mary Ship. The 5 Biggest Questions About the Universe (and How We're Trying To Answer Them) This image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows the distribution of dark … Sleep is one of the all-time greatest mysteries of both science and medicine. Writer. iStock/PeopleImages. According to a LiveScience interview with professor Charles Liu, astrophysicist at the City University of New York, “In this four-dimensional space-time, you’re only able to move forward in time.” Regardless, scientists are continuing to develop proposals for time travel including an approach that involves the use of wormholes which are essentially tunnels that connect different regions of space-time. But these events of ultimate religious significance are one-offs, and cannot be proved impossible — however unlikely — using experimental data which — by definition — arises in a different time and place in the universe. First of all, there really is no scientific explanation as to why our bodies are regulated by a circadian rhythm while other organisms sleep at odd hours (owls) or not at all (bull frogs). ... but it costs a lot of money to get that done. Instead, it has a horizon which divides the two gravitational pulls within and outside of the Black Hole. There are many mind-boggling theories about the Universe, that our human brains cannot even wrap themselves around those facts.Let us discuss some profound workings of the Universe which are connected with the very existence of life. 1. The following fifteen questions are among the top unanswered questions to think about. If the Universe was born at the Big Bang, what existed before then? If antimatter and matter have the same properties, why doesn’t the universe contain equal amounts of the two? The first category consists of really deep questions about life and existence. But still, it would be nice to have all the answers. We challenge you to find the answer to these mind-boggling questions: 52. Table of contents. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. 23 Things Science Can Tell Us about Life, the Universe, and Everything by Daniel D. Brown. This is a favorable argument by scientists because hey, if you can’t see it, then that’s probably where it is, right? 1. However, in 2012, astronomers spotted a very unusual celestial body that appeared to be a rectangular-shaped dwarf galaxy, also known as the LEDA galaxy. Perhaps it's too much to expect to have figured out the deepest mysteries of the universe in the paltry few thousand years that we've been investigating it, much less in the miniscule few hundred years since the development of modern science. Eventually, their core turns to iron and collapses in on itself which causes a powerful shock wave and then an explosion, known as a supernova. Please whitelist TheClever or disable your ad blocker to continue. There are numerous scientific arguments for why sleep is needed and how we can benefit from sleep, including brain plasticity and memory health. There is some evidence that suggests that this is due to regular explosions or bursts of heat (called nanoflares) from the sun which affect the solar atmosphere (known as the corona) as well. If a particle meets its antiparticle, the two immediately annihilate one another. To date, roughly 68% of the universe is made up of this mysterious energy we call “dark energy.” Another 27% of the universe consists of “dark matter.” The remaining 5% is all of the normal matter that we’ve ever observed with our telescopes and instruments, including everything on Earth. 17. by Kelly Oakes. Stars spend their lives fusing different elements via nuclear reactions into heavier elements, and yet this is something they can only do for so long. No such hypothesis is needed to explain the behavior of the Universe. There are some questions that cannot be fully answered using scientific methods. Father Lemaitre (the priest who came up with the mathematical model for the Big Bang theory) did not find a "why". And the most probable explanation is that they use the Earth’s magnetic field to guide them. Modern scientific studies have suggested that some of this lithium may have been mixed into the core of stars, and would therefore not be observable by any of our telescopes. The vastness of space is a source of amazing knowledge and has inspired mankind for ages. What is the purpose of death? Although scientists are developing more sophisticated explanations and probabilities, it is still impossible to forecast when a star is about to approach the tipping point of a supernova. It has existed for all eternity and always will. Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. I have here, 10 questions that evolutionists have never been able to answer with an infallible argument. There is a revolution occurring among the Darwinians themselves, who cannot answer these five simple questions. Because of our lack of answers to this very primary question, our explanation for numerous other mysteries including the actual age of the universe are all just sophisticated speculations as well. A: Yes, the Bible describes Heaven as an actual “place” that Jesus is preparing for us (John 14:2-3). But this tactic always leads to trouble. People will eventually be able to live on other Earth-like planets and populate them as well. Can love really last a lifetime? The following questions are separated into two categories. For years, many have claimed to have seen UFO’s and encountered aliens, although there’s still much skepticism as to whether or not these claims are true or perhaps just a figment of human imagination. Q: Is Heaven a real place? Physics is all about probing the most fundamental mysteries in nature, so it’s … The second category contains important questions that make you think about your life in general. That’s because science can’t do that sort of thing. Please whitelist TheClever or disable your ad blocker to continue. 14 Questions and Answers About Heaven. We've gotten pretty used to the idea of science providing us with answers. Of course, if that was the case, it’s possible that we wouldn’t be here to ask about it. To date, the Hubble has revealed that there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies or so in the observable universe. Will we ever have jetpacks? Should I find a question that… The possible speculations to this question are even more obscure than to how the universe came to being. Also, drug companies are still eagerly searching for a cure for insomnia, as how the human body gets to sleep is another great mystery. How does turbulence work? 8 Mind-Bending Unanswered Questions About The Universe. 15. The reality is that there are many mysteries about the universe that physicists and astronomers will never be able to solve. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum. They migrate throughout the year to escape the changing temperatures and find favorable resources in order to sustain life. For years, scientists have debated over the question of why the sun’s outer layer is much hotter than its surface. The Universe is a very diverse and mysterious place. Both approaches are extremely complicated and impractical projects and therefore, for now, have not been attempted. Many scientific laymen are confused by the Big Bang and automatically resort to God as an explanation since they can't understand it. So far, in the miniscule slice of time that we have been asking questions, we have found answers that would have been inconceivable to even our recent ancestors. We all know what it’s like outside of the Black Hole, since that’s where we live, but nothing in existence can tell us what it’s like inside of it. Questions that cannot be answered by science must be prefixed with the the word "yet" or "presently". And since the other forces in nature have opposites, what is the opposite of gravity and why does it only pull? Those questions may trouble us and hound us for our entire lives – but they are also an essential part of the human experience. Jeanne Marie Laskas Updated: May. We can make speculation much more sophisticated by labeling them as “theories” and interlinking them with other sophisticated theories. However, when you begin to ponder the all of the remaining questions that have been left unanswered, you realize that we still have a long way to go with uncovering all of the universe’s mysteries and unexplained phenomenon. The most popular two arguments are that 1) it will eventually collapse in on itself (a theory known as the Big Crunch), 2) everything will freeze out (Big Chill), 3) everything will burn up (a theory known as “the heat death of the universe”), and 4) everything including all of the stars and galaxies will tear apart (Big Rip). We've gotten pretty used to the idea of science providing us with answers. Gardeners' World Enthusiast. There are, however, some questions that are still frustratingly, resolutely, unanswered - perhaps even unanswerable altogether. A much better strategy, I think, is to consider specific examples, figure out what kinds of questions science can reasonably address, and compare those to the questions in which we're interested. The reason why we can’t see the inside of a Black Hole, is that an object would have to move faster than the speed of light just to escape it. Even the wisest philosophers have been left with a huge question mark upon studying and debating these major theories. The 42 Biggest Questions About Life, the Universe, and Everything In a homage to 'Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,' two physicists explain the biggest unknowns in science. However, to add to the mystery, theoretical physicists are now speculating that there may be multiple other universes out there as well, living beyond what we can observe. ... can God create a stone that God cannot lift? It could even be used to hand yourself a present on Christmas Day, or answer some of the many questions that surround the universe’s great unknowns. 53. I hope these space trivia questions will help you to learn a little bit more about the universe we live in. 4. Why do we wait until night to 'call it a day?' At this point in time, we still have little to no explanation as to what dark matter really is. Most galaxies have three dimensional disc-like shapes. What scientists don’t know is how these animals know how to navigate to and from their destinations year after year. And recently, NASA has been discussing the possibility of  life beyond Earth within the near future. All of these mysteries, including whether or not we’ll ever have a quantum theory of gravity, have led some scientists to question whether or not gravity is even force. Evolution is a stupid belief, and I can prove it. With as much as we know about gravity and its obvious role in the universe, scientists to this day still struggle with understanding what this force actually is. Why is it that all of our rules, theories, maxims, and models all have an exception? For years, many have claimed to have seen UFO’s and encountered aliens, although there’s still much skepticism as to whether or not these claims are true or perhaps just a figment of human imagination. It is not any of the following: 1) planets or stars, 2) dark clouds, 3) antimatter, and 4) large black holes. Another is that they use the stars, sun, and moon as navigational tools. Whatever the method, there currently is no way of knowing. To each type of particle, there’s a twin antiparticle with identical properties, but opposite charge. Those same answers also remind us of our relatively tiny place within the mind-blowingly large cosmos we call home. The mysteries are what make life worth living and I would be sad if the day comes when we can no longer find answerable questions that have yet to be answered, and puzzles that can be solved. We spend one-third of our lives sleeping in order for our body to properly function. Also, since it is a force, another puzzling question is why is it so weak in comparison to electromagnetism and nuclear force? 15 questions to which evolutionists have no satisfactory answer. Today, we still have plenty of hydrogen and helium which make up all of the Universe’s mass. The mystery of the Black Hole starts with its boundary – there’s no real physical barrier. Many scientists presume that we’re not alone in the universe and that there could very well still be life outside of Earth among some of the other billions of planets. The exact details of what goes on inside of a star leading up to a supernova along with what happens within the explosion itself still remain a great scientific mystery. The universe never had a moment of creation. Please support TheClever so we can benefit from sleep, including brain plasticity and memory health find... Cut-And-Dried procedures have all the answers why is it so weak in to. 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